Monday, December 20, 2010

Go watch some lights, freak....

So far I am reading The Demonata #2: Demon Thief. It is about this kid named Kernel who has an ability to be able to see patches of light. He can touch it and move it around. He mentions it to his parents and teachers but assumed crazy and then constantly ignored. People around him see him as a freak and treat him the same way. He moves to a new place in the country called Paskinston away from the city. Even though people there are different, is Kernel happy with the way it is?
I think Kernel feels uneasy because he thinks that he doesn't fit in and is out of place like a vegetable in a group of candy. Everything around him starts to change when the demon Cadaver came in to the the human world and stole his brother Art. Even though all thats happened, he did belong somewhere which was with the Disciples.
I can connect with Kernel in a way because he always felt different for mostly his entire life before he met the Disciples.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Harry Potter 7 and the very last

Harry Potter 7 by J.K.Rowling was a book and movie that I recently read and watched. I looked at which character had the most interesting characteristics. I focused more on Ron because he had one that surprised me. On the quest to find all the Horcruxes, he suddenly left to go back to his family to see how they were doing. That was surprising because Ron knew he could have possibly jeopardized the whole quest. I thought that his decision was because he cared very much for his family and even if the world is conquered by You-Know-Who, at least he would still be with his family.
In my own personal life I know that in life friends go but family would always be with you. I have always try to keep them close because maybe in the future friends can't or won't help you in problems and leave you alone. I have learned that family always comes first.