Sunday, June 5, 2011

Time Bomb by Nigel Hinton COA # 2

                   After reading the second half of my coming of age book, I started to see a lot of emotional changes within the main character Andy. There were choices made that were intentional and had meaning to coming of age. It was a lot of betrayal from the adults in their lives like for example their favorite teacher Ms.Carver, The Vicar, Cap, and even their parents. It shows how the 4 kids fought back in their ways with rebellion. First they didn't want to go sing for their teachers at their wedding in the town's church which got the vicar angry at them forcing them to be banned from the choir. Eventually the parents found out and they all got in trouble.

                   Rebellion is a important moment in childhood whether it is bad or good. It is like a initiation to adulthood. That wasn't the only thing Andy did. The 4 boys discovered a unexploded bomb from WWII near the big hill that they played in. It was a choice to not tell anyone about it and especially the betraying adults. The only adult that could relate to Andy and his best friend Eddie was Cap but in the end it was another betrayal. The bomb exploded seriously injuring Cap and it was so severe that he could not recover. He died and his death stayed in their mind for the rest of their lives.
                   Even after Andy found out about Cap betrayal, he still wanted to forgive Cap and get along like they use to but the rest of the gang thought otherwise. That was one of the features about Andy that I noticed the second half of the book. He never forgave other people like his dad for going off with another woman and making Andy keep his mouth shut. Only Cap even the horrible things he did to the other 2 gang members.